From risk to resilience: How to navigate today’s threat landscape

Cyber attacks are on the rise and becoming increasingly sophisticated. More and more attacks are making company personnel their target, using increasingly sophisticated social engineering tactics to gain engagement.

This makes the balancing act of protecting the business while enabling it to function effectively evermore troublesome. The complexity of most modern IT systems coupled with the various interconnected supply chains, on which most businesses depend, make it difficult for security teams to gain accurate visibility and control.

So how do you manage these risks effectively to drive business success?

In this webinar, in partnership with Trend Micro, we look at just that. Our panel of experts explain how your business can journey from risk to resilience in a world characterised by uncertainty and cyber threats. They provide insight and advice on how to navigate the threat landscape and share tips on how to proactively discover, prioritise and remediate risk before your business is impacted.

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