Beyond the buzz: Mastering L&D in the digital age

As tech advances, integrating the latest innovations into your team’s L&D is tempting. After all, technology and L&D are intrinsically linked. Not only can tech be an incredibly useful tool to deliver personalised learning, especially now when hybrid working is so prevalent, it’s also an important topic of learning in itself.

The trick is to be intentional: seek to understand your team’s objectives and their preferred learning styles, and then use the relevant digital tools to support achieving their goals. When done well, the benefits of “going digital” are far reaching: it improves team communication skills, self-awareness and overall employee wellbeing. 

But where to begin? This People Management Insight & Management Today Insight webinar, produced in partnership with Insights Group, will explore how HR professionals and leadership can implement technology to help, not hinder their existing L&D strategies.

Our expert panel will cover:

  • Core principles about how people learn
  • Unleashing the power of tech for maximum strategy impact
  • Riding the wave of awareness to supercharge your team's performance
  • Navigating tech trends: what's worth it and what's just noise
  • Crafting an L&D strategy that your team won't just endure, but genuinely embrace

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